Abstract: Opened July 2014. NB exit ramp splits so only left-turn traffic goes to DDI with all other traffic meeting Tiffany Springs Pkwy at separate intersection.
Abstract: Another DDI in Springfield. Because the DDI is such a cost efficient solution, the Springfield area has been able to afford fixing many of their interchanges into DDIs.
Abstract: Opened Summer 2010. Followed the success of the Springfield, Missouri DDIs. This location was planned for a DDI, before Springfield considered the DDI concept.
Abstract: Opened in summer 2010. Second DDI opened to traffic in Springfield, which was also the second DDI to open in the US. Interchange got the go ahead to become a DDI after the success of the I-44/Route 13 DDI farther north in the city.
Abstract: 1st Planned Diverging Diamond in Missouri, but construction was delayed. Still will be the first DDI in the Kansas City area, but will be at least the fourth DDI in the state.