Abstract: This intersection was a superstreet for a few short years, but now FM973 has been rerouted to a Texas U-turn intersection as express toll lanes have been added to SH71.
Abstract: Main Rd is one of two gateways to Johns Island, a popular recreation destination. Current traditional signal has high crash rate which is main reason for redesign.
Abstract: This is one of 3 superstreet intersections in the corridor. Others exist to the north at Hamilton-Mason Road and to the south at Symmes Road.
Abstract: Rare example of a Restricted Crossing U-Turn (RCUT) intersection that is signalized, but is not a superstreet. All left turns and cross-street through movements must use turnbacks.
Abstract: This is the first Median U-Turn, or Michigan left, intersection to be built in Utah. Vissim modeling shows that it will reduce future congestion from 2-minutes per vehicle to 26 seconds!